It started almost as soon as Anton Georgiou was elected the Liberal Democrat councillor for Alperton in a by-election in January 2020. It seemed to annoy the Labour Brent Council leader, Mohammed Butt. Now there was a slash of yellow on what had been a very red map. (See slash of yellow below!)
No Labour councillors greeted Anton when he first went to Wembley. It took him almost two years to get the keys to an office. He was excluded from committees. His questions in the meetings he could attend, were ridiculed in public. Here’s what he has to say about his treatment.
Anton's view of Brent Council and his treatment by the leader of the Council.
When Anton questioned the 2021 budget and the raise the councillors were voting themselves, he received a very rude letter from Cllr. Butt. It was not only condescending but wrong. It accused him of not attending meetings but he has a 100% record of attendance.
This is a very good reason why we need a change at the Council and why Anton needs support. He’s standing in Alperton, and Labour are throwing the kitchen sink at the ward trying to unseat him. The Lib Dems are also working very hard to try and make sure that doesn’t happen.
The best would be if all three Lib Dem Alperton candidates — Anton Georgiou, Hannah Matin and Sandria Terrelonge — got in, and also some from a few other wards. There’s me and my running mates (Robin Sharp and Virginia Brand) going for it in Queen’s Park, for example.
Remember to vote on 5 May!
Imprint: Published by A. Dunn, 103 Walm Lane, NW2 4QG on behalf of Virginia Brand, Robin Sharp and Deborah Unger (Liberal Democrats). Printed by Solo Press, 9 Stock Road, Southend-on-Sea, SS2 5QF.